« on: May 27, 2013, 05:30:38 pm »
That is exactly how I connected them. (understand the pressure gauges not working at this time)
My problem is the sensitivity when setting the percentages in the software. For example, when setting the 50%, which like you said would be right at 200 for my gauge, I cannot get it right on 200. One click of a number is to low and the next click is to high. It is this way for all percentages. Therefore I am not accurate within iracing. Both gauges water and oil do the same thing. I reset gauges back to default which did not help. Also as mentioned above, when connecting either gauge to S1 I cannot get the gauge below 140 degree even if the slider in the software is set to 0.
Can you tell me the numbers in the software you have your gauges calibrated at? Here is what mine are to get as close as possible but not too accurate in iracing.
0% - 17
25% - 30
50% - 37
75% - 44
100% - 53
0% - 17
25% - 31
50% - 39
75% - 46
100% - 54
As you can see I am barely incrementing the numbers and getting full range. This makes it not as granular as I believe it should be for accurate settings.
Quick note: the Tach works perfect. It takes large increments of the numbers to barely move the Tach needle. This makes it right on the money.
Thanks again for any help.