Hi same thing happened to me to put (ExtraData 1) is blocked in step finish.Hola me sucede lo mismo al poner ( Extradata 1) se bloquea en el paso de meta.
hey guys! any news on this? it does seem to me from my limited testing that its the dirt3 game that crashes whenever the line extradata "0" is changed to extradata "1". it definately used to work ok but not now
not sure what version I am on but I have my Symproject hardware (rev burner, GI Max and SPI-D) running fine on Rfactor and NFS S2, but nothing on Dirt 3, made adjustments as per the doc on the Symprojects website, but still nothing.
sorry for the delay, i am running win 7 32 bit, the file is located under program files\codemaster\dirt3\system. see file below:<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?><hardware_settings_config version="53" deviceId="" > <cpu> <threadStrategy parallelUpdateRender="false" workerMapFile="system/workerMap.xml" forceFeedbackProcessor="0" dvdStorageProcessor="0" dataSetMonitorProcessor="0" renderProcessor="0" updateProcessor="0" fileStreamProcessor="0"/> </cpu> <audio_card> <audio mixing="rapture3D" /> </audio_card> <graphics_card> <directx forcedx9="false" /> <resolution width="800" height="600" aspect="normal" fullscreen="true" vsync="0" multisampling="2xmsaa" > <refreshRate rate="60" /> </resolution> <gamma level="1.0" /> </graphics_card> <graphics_detail level="medium" /> <shadows enabled="true" size="1024" maskQuality="1" /> <particles enabled="true" wind="true" dynamicRes="true" /> <crowd enabled="true" /> <cloth enabled="true" /> <postprocess quality="1" /> <groundcover mode="blended" clutter="true" /> <objects lod="1.0" maxlod="0" /> <trees lod="1.0" maxlod="0" /> <vehicles characterQuality="2" lodQuality="2" /> <envmap faces="6" size="256" forceBilinear="true" /> <water update="true" detail="1" /> <mirrors enabled="true" forceBilinear="true" width="384" height="128" car_maxlod="3" car_culldist="200.0" /> <skidmarks enabled="false" /> <dynamic_ambient_occ enabled="true" quality="1" /> <night_lighting volumes="true" lights="0" shadows="true" /> <physics environmentalDamage="true" vehicleDamage="true" /> <input device_type="auto" /> <motion enabled="true" ip="" port="20777" delay="1" extradata="0" /></hardware_settings_config>I have tried it with extradata="1" as well
i have it working now, i copied the same file into the other folder and now it is working.I do have 1 other question, is there a way to get multiple shift lights working? I have a Type R tach with shift light and a SPI-D that i would like working, the tach light works but I can't get the SPI-d working
I've found a solution for the extra data problem in dirt 3 patch 1.02download thishttp://www.worthdownloading.com/download.php?gid=4744&id=23412run the patch, and viola.. you're back on 1.01now do the usual hardware config xml edits and it should work.. game does not freeze at end of the game anymore.